Academic Catalog

Course and Laboratory Fees

Course Fees

Biology $50.00

BIO 101Life Science3
BIO 107Anatomy & Physiology I4
BIO 108Anatomy & Physiology II4
BIO 111Principles of Biology4
BIO 204Fund of Microbiology3
BIO 210General Zoology3
BIO 212General Botany3
BIO 301Human Anatomy4
BIO 302General Microbiology4
BIO 303Human Physiology4
BIO 304Vertebrate Embryology4
BIO 305Comp Vertebrate Anatomy4
BIO 307Genetics4
BIO 309Parasitology4
BIO 315Immunology3
BIO 316Ecology4
BIO 317Medical Microbiology4
BIO 318Hematology4
BIO 408Cell Biology4
BIO 410Special Problems Biology2
BIO 411Fish Diseases3
BIO 412Fish Morphology and Physiology4
BIO 413Aquatic Ecology4
BIO 417Ecological Field Meth4
BIO 427Fish Reproduct & Spawning Tech3
BIO 460Water Quality Management3

Aquaculture $50.00

AQU 410Fish Diseases Laboratory1
AQU 412Fish Morph and Physiology4
AQU 428Fish Reproduction Labs1
AQU 510Fish Diseases Laboratory1
AQU 512Fish Morphology/Physiology4

Chemistry $55.00

CHE 109Chemistry in Context3
CHE 110General Chem I Laboratory1
CHE 120General Chemistry II Lab1
CHE 209Survey Gen/Organic/Biochemi4
CHE 303Quantitative Analysis4
CHE 310Organic Chemistry I Lab.1
CHE 320Organic Chemistry II Lab1
CHE 350Biochemistry Laboratory1
CHE 414Instrumental Analysis4
CHE 425Intro. Physical Chemistry4

Applied Information Technology $40.00

CIT 110Web Development & Design3
CIT 111Network Fundamentals3
CIT 112Router Theory and Config3
CIT 120Web Programming Concepts3
CIT 136Comp Hardware: Mgmt/Maint3
CIT 137Comp OS Sys: Manage & Maint3
CIT 200Network Operating Systems3
CIT 220Intermediate Web Programming3
CIT 255Multimedia Production3
CIT 310Web Server Administration3

Computer Science $30.00

COS 100Intro to Computers3
COS 101Prog Visual Basic3
COS 108Prin Computer Science I4
COS 109Prin Computer Sci II4
COS 180Advanced Prog - Visual BASIC3
COS 200Computer Information Systems3
COS 232Programming I4
COS 300System Design/Development3
COS 301Computer Organization4
COS 340Data Struc Algorithm Analy3
COS 350Organization Prog Lang3
COS 410Database Management Systems3
COS 420Algorithms3
COS 481Information Security3
COS 482Introduction to Cryptography3
COS 483Database Security3
COS 484Intro to Network Security3
COS 485Information Security Project3
COS 502Computer Science Foundation I3
COS 504Computer Science Found II3
COS 511WEB Programming3
COS 512WEB Engineering3
COS 513Computer Graphics and GUI3
COS 514Database and Data Mining3
COS 515Adv Database Manage Systems3
COS 517E-Commerce3
COS 518Network and WEB Security3
COS 520Multimedia Design3
COS 533Cryptography Algorithms3
COS 581Advanced Crypto Algorithms3
COS 582E-Commerce Security3
COS 583Enterprise Secur Managements3
COS 584Secure Sys Admin/Certific3
COS 585Information Security3
COS 586Information System Assurance3
COS 587Database Security3
COS 588Computer Network Security3
COS 589Info Security Risk Analysis3

Nursing $350.00

NUR 105AIntro to Nursing Practice3
NUR 105APIntro to Nursing Practice Prac1
NUR 114AAdult Health I4
NUR 114APAdult Health I Practicum3
NUR 204AMaternal Newborn Health3
NUR 204APMaternal Newborn Health Practi2
NUR 214AAdult Health II4
NUR 214APAdult Health II Inst. Pract.3

Physical Science $40.00

PHS 201Physical Sciences I3
PHS 202Physical Sci II3

Physics $40.00

PHY 207Physics In Biological Sci I4
PHY 208Physics In Biological Sci II4
PHY 211General Physics I5
PHY 212General Physics II5
PHY 390Special Topics in Physics3

Social Work $100.00

SOW 201Career Choice Human Serv Prof3



ART 101Early Elementary Arts3
ART 110Basic Drawing I3
ART 1122-Dimen Design3
ART 1133-Dimensional Design3
ART 211Basic Drawing II3
ART 305Digital Imaging I3
ART 306Studio Arts3
ART 310Basic Drawing III3
ART 319Elementary School Art3
ART 330Web Page Design3
ART 405Digital Imaging II3
ART 419Meth/Mat Teaching Art3
ART 430Prob Drawing I3
ART 431Prob Drawing II3
ART 432Prob Drawing III3


ART 130Introduction to Art3
ART 360Art Symposium1


ART 220Basic Painting I3
ART 240Ceramics I3
ART 315Sculpture I3
ART 317Printmaking I3
ART 340Ceramics II3
ART 415Sculpture II3
ART 417Printmaking II3
ART 420Painting III3
ART 433Prob Painting I3
ART 434Prob Painting II3
ART 435Prob Painting III3
ART 436Prob Printmaking I3
ART 437Prob Printmaking II3
ART 438Prob Printmaking III3
ART 439Prob Ceramic I3
ART 440Prob Ceramic II3
ART 441Prob Ceramic III3
ART 442Prob Sculpture I3
ART 443Prob Sculpture II3
ART 444Prob Sculpture III3


ART 307Digital Photography I3
ART 312Intro to Digital Video Ed/Prod3
ART 407Digital Photography II3
ART 412Digital Video Editing/Prod II3
ART 451Prob Digital Photography I3
ART 452Prob Digital Photography II3
ART 453Prob Digital Photography III3
ART 454Prob in Dig Video Edit/Prod3

Music $50.00

MUS 112Music Theory I3
MUS 114Music Theory II3
MUS 212Music Theory III3
MUS 214Music Theory IV3

Half Hour Private Lesson $  70.00

One Hour Private Lesson $100.00.