Academic Catalog

STEM Options

This Liberal Studies Degree redefines the Liberal Arts for the 21st Century, and students at Kentucky State University. Liberal Studies enhances students’ global awareness and critical thinking skills and fosters solutions to numerous global issues.  Aligned with the University’s liberal studies mission, the goal of the Liberal Studies degree is to prepare global citizens by cultivating an understanding and appreciation for human cultural, historical, and social experiences via a plethora of innovative courses.  The Associate of Arts liberal studies degree provides excellent preparation for finishing a baccalaureate degree.

Academic Requirements:

  • Grade-point average of at least 2.0 overall.
  • 30-31 credit hours of general education core are included in the total 60 credits.  Students must earn a "C" or higher in ENG 101 and ENG 102.
  • Certificates and minors are encouraged to fit scholar career or professional development interests.