Academic Catalog

BRED - Orientation (KSU)

KSU 101: BRED Training

This course is designed to assist students in making a smooth academic and social transition to University life. Through guided experiences, students will begin the self-exploration process while working towards creating a college mindset. An emphasis is placed on exposing students to campus resources, KSU History and fostering academic sucess. a service learning component is also required. For new students or students with less than 30 transfer hours.

Credit Hours: 1
Contact Hours: 1
KSU 102: BRED Building

This course builds on the KSU 101 seminar by deeply examining personal development. KSU 102 course deliberately aids students through the process of critical thinking, academic and career exploration, faculty/staff engagement and leadership development. Upon completion of this course students will be able to identify and narrow their academic and career choices. A service learning component is also required. All students must take this course as a graduation requirement. This course is credit bearing. To enroll, student must have completed less than 30 credit hours.

Credit Hours: 1
Contact Hours: 1
KSU 118: Intro. to University Learning
Credit Hours: 3
Contact Hours: 3
KSU 186: Navigate. the Tech. World

Analysis of how technology has transformed the interconnected, global contemporary world and examination of future implications of technology in several disciplines and career fields.

Credit Hours: 3
Contact Hours: 3

This course is designed to provide students with opportunities to become engaged with student organizations. Through the use of various assessments, students will begin to discover their leadership styles. Topics covered include cultural competency, increasing student self-sufficiency, and aligning skills, talents & interests with selecting a career. Upon completing this course students will serve as mentors for first-year students. A service learning component is also required. To enroll, must have completed at least 30 credit hours or be classified as a sophomore.

Credit Hours: 1
Contact Hours: 1
KSU 301: BRED Winner

This course is designed to strenfthen skill in subject areas that are particularly relevant to gaining admission to and succeeding in graduate degree or professional programs. This course will also benefit students that plan to enter their career field immediately following college. Students will develop resumes, create personal statements, and receive tips for graduate admissions exams. a civic engagement component is also required. To enroll, must have completed at least 60 credit hours or be classified as a junior.

Credit Hours: 1
Contact Hours: 1
KSU 401: BRED for Life

This course prepares students for life post-graduation. Students will discover what it means to be an engaged alumni member, construct a plan for that will assist in the career search, and develop a plan for future financial freedom such as completing exit counseling, loan repayment and transitioning to independent living. A civic engagement component is also required. To enroll, must have completed at least 90 hours or be classified as a senior.

Credit Hours: 1
Contact Hours: 1