Academic Catalog


The Minor in Chemistry at Kentucky State University is crafted to provide students with a solid foundation in chemical principles and practical laboratory skills, complementing their major field of study. This curriculum ladder ensures a structured and comprehensive journey through the essential areas of chemistry.

Introductory Courses: Students start with General Chemistry I and II, covering fundamental concepts such as atomic structure, chemical bonding, stoichiometry, and thermodynamics. These courses include laboratory sessions that introduce essential techniques and safety practices.

Intermediate Courses: Building on the basics, students advance to Organic Chemistry I and II. These courses delve into the structure, properties, and reactions of organic compounds, with laboratory work emphasizing synthesis, purification, and analysis.

Advanced Courses: To deepen their understanding, students choose from a selection of advanced courses such as Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, or Biochemistry. These classes offer more specialized knowledge and hands-on experience in areas relevant to their interests and career goals.

The Chemistry Minor at Kentucky State University is ideal for students pursuing majors in biology, environmental science, health sciences, or any field where a strong chemistry background is advantageous. With a combination of rigorous coursework and practical laboratory experience, the minor equips students with valuable analytical and problem-solving skills, enhancing their academic and professional prospects.

Plan of Study

A minor in chemistry requires the completion of 19 semester credit hours. Specific course requirements include:

CHE 101
CHE 110
General Chemistry I
and General Chem I Laboratory
CHE 102
CHE 120
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry II Lab
CHE 301
CHE 310
Organic Chemistry I
and Organic Chemistry I Lab.
CHE 302
CHE 320
Organic Chemistry II
and Organic Chemistry II Lab
Select one of the following:3-4
Quantitative Analysis
and Biochemistry Laboratory
Inorganic Chemistry
Intro. Physical Chemistry
Total Hours19-20