Academic Catalog

Computer Science Bachelor of Science - Network Engineering Track

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Term 1 (Fall)Hours
KSU 118 Intro. to University Learning 3
ENG 101 English Comp I 3
MAT 115 College Algebra 3
CIT 111 Network Fundamentals 3
COS 107 Prob Solving, Logic & Design 3
Term 2 (Spring)
ENG 102 English Comp II 3
MAT 125 Business Calculus and Matrices 3
CIT 112 Router Theory and Config 3
COS 108 Prin Computer Science I 4
Guided Elective 3
Year 2
Term 3 (Fall)
ENG 216 Technical Writing 3
COM 103 Interpersonal Communication 3
CIT 200 Network Operating Systems 3
CIT 211 LAN Switching and Wireless 3
or COS 314 Network Protocols
COS 109 Prin Computer Sci II 4
Term 4 (Spring)
CIT 212 Intro to WAN Technology 3
COS 281 Introduction to Info. Sec. & A 3
Arts 3
Introduction to Art
or Introduction to Music
or Introduction to Theatre
or Intro to Literature
Social or Behavioral Elective 3
Financial Literacy
or General Psychology
or Principles of Sociology
or Prin of Economics I
Free Elective 2
Year 3
Term 5 (Fall)
BIO 101 Life Science 3
or CHE 109 Chemistry in Context
CIT 311 Advanced Routing 3
COS 301 Computer Organization 4
COS 310 Discrete Computing Structures 3
Social or Behavioral Elective 3
Principles of Sociology
or General Psychology
or Financial Literacy
or Prin of Economics I
Term 6 (Spring)
CIT 312 Advanced LAN Switching 3
COS 302 Operating Systems 3
COS 410 Database Management Systems 3
Humanities Elective 3
Business and Society
or Cultural Responsiveness
or Western Civilization
or Intro to African American Hist
Guided Elective 3
Year 4
Term 7 (Fall)
CIT 453 Network Management 3
CIT 497 Topics in Info. Technology 3
or COS 499 Topics in Info Technology
CIT 370 Information Tech Project Mgt 3
or COS 464 Mgmt of Computer Info Systems
or MIS 300 Management Info Systems
COS 303 Human Perspective on Computing 3
Global/Civic 3
Global Perspect Ag/Food/Env
or American Civil Rights Movement
or World Politics
or American Government
Term 8 (Spring)
CIT 412 Optimizing Converged Networks 3
CIT 481 IT Independent Study 3
or COS 497 Indep Study in Computer Science
or CIT 499 Information Technology Internship
or COS 498 Internship in Computer Science
COS 334 Computer Forensics 4
COS 484 Intro to Network Security 3
 Total Hours120