Academic Catalog

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Education

Plan of Study Grid
Term 1 (Fall)Hours
ENG 101 English Comp I 3
KSU 118 Intro. to University Learning 3
COM 103 Interpersonal Communication 3
Select one of the following: 3
Introduction to Art
Intro to Literature
Introduction to Music
Introduction to Theatre
Select one of the following: 3
Financial Literacy
Prin of Economics I
Term 2 (Spring)
ENG 102 English Comp II 3
MAT 131 Calculus/Analy Geom I 5
MAT 200 Intro to Stat Reasoning & Ana. 4
COS 107 Prob Solving, Logic & Design 3
Select one of the following: 3
General Psychology
Principles of Sociology
Term 3 (Fall)
EDU 202 Found of Teaching and Educ 3
EDU 203 Intro to Tech. in Education 3
PHY 211 General Physics I 5
EDU 204 Cultural Responsiveness 3
COS 108 Prin Computer Science I 4
Term 4 (Spring)
EDU 302 Child & Adolescent Dev 3
EDU 304 Classroom & Learning Manage 3
EDU 310 Intro Exceptional Edu 3
MAT 132 Calculus/Analy Geom II 5
POS 101 American Government 3
Term 5 (Fall)
EDU 303 Educational Assessment/Eval 3
MAT 231 Multivariate Calculus 3
MAT 300 Intro to Advanced Math 3
EDU 411 Teaching High Sch Math 3
BIO 101 Life Science 3
Term 6 (Spring)
MAT 307 Linear Algebra 3
COS 310 Discrete Computing Structures 3
EDU 445 Teach HS Reading in Cont Area 3
EDU 450 Clinical Education Experience 6
Term 7 (Fall)
MAT 321 Probability/Statistics I 3
MAT 326 Modern Geometry 3
MAT 401 Modern Algebra I 3
Guided Elective 6
Term 8 (Spring)
EDU 454 Undergraduate Student Teaching 12
 Total Hours125