Academic Catalog

Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Psychology is defined as the study of the mind and human behavior.  Psychologists engage with human behavior on a broad spectrum, ranging from biological responses to stimuli in the environment to global interactions.  Psychology encompasses every academic discipline; all things are inherently psychological because humans interact with and create the environments, materials, cultures, societies, institutions, laws, and the very knowledge by which we understand and operate within our world.  Within this spectrum opportunities for rewarding careers abound.


To satisfy the requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology, students must complete a minimum of 120 semester credit hours, including 42 semester credit hours in Psychology.  PSY 200, General Psychology, is required as part of the core requirements.  PSY 215, Orientation to Psychology, which does not count toward the core major requirements, is also required for Psychology majors before students enroll in 300 or 400 level courses.   

Students should plan to complete research core courses for the Bachelor of Science degree in sequence:  PSY 200; PSY 215; PSY/BSS 300; PSY 301; PSY 304; PSY 399; PSY 490/491/492; PSY/BSS 499. Each course in the sequence builds on the knowledge and skills of previous courses.  The purpose of this sequence is to introduce students to the field (General Psychology and Orientation to Psychology); introduce the foundations of research (Statistics, Research Methods, and Experimental Psychology); practice how to find and synthesize literature on specific research topics (Seminar in Psychology); practice designing and conducting an original research project ( Practicum); and preparing professional research presentations and papers for their original research project (Senior Colloquium).  

Elective concentrations are offered in Counseling/Clinical Psychology (6 hours, PSY 404, Psychological Assessment and PSY 407, Theories in Psychotherapy), Educational/Developmental Psychology (6 hours from PSY 408, Learning and Motivation, PSY 409, Cognitive Psychology, and PSY 413, Social Cognition); and Experimental/Biological Psychology (PSY 410, Physiological Psychology and PSY 411, Sensation and Perception).  

Students are encouraged to explore certificate, minor, or double major opportunities to broaden their knowledge, skills, and experience.  Students who have met the number of core and elective concentration credit hours required for their major may elect to use 18-21 elective hours to pursue a minor.  


The course plan below is an example of how you should plan to schedule your courses.  Please note that the sample schedule does not total 120 hours.  Once you have met your general education, psychology core, and psychology elective concentration credit hour requirements, you may apply any remaining hours from the 120 hour degree requirement toward a minor or certificate in any area you choose.

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Term 1 (Fall)Hours
PSY 200 General Psychology 3
ENG 101 English Comp I (must earn a C or higher) 3
MAT 200 Intro to Stat Reasoning & Ana. 4
SOC 203 Principles of Sociology 3
KSU 118 Intro. to University Learning 3
Term 2 (Spring)
PSY 215 Orientation to Psychology (Required for Psychology Majors) 3
PSY 223 Theor. & Met. in Dev. Psych. 3
COM 103 Interpersonal Communication 3
ENG 102 English Comp II (must earn a C or higher) 3
EDU 204 Cultural Responsiveness 3
Year 2
Term 3 (Fall)
PSY 300 Statistics for BSS (must complete MAT 115 with a C or higher before enrolling) 3
BIO 101 Life Science 3
ENG 220 Intro to Cultural Studies 3
PSY 400
Abnormal Psychology
or Personality Theory
Select one General Education Arts Course 3
Term 4 (Spring)
PSY 301 Research Methods Fos BSS 3
PSY 320 History/Systems of Psychology 3
PSY 402 Industrial Psychology 3
SOC 304 Race and Ethnic Relations 3
Select one of the following: Elective Course 3
Year 3
Term 5 (Fall)
PSY 304 Experimental Psychology 3
PSY 403 Social Psychology 3
PSY 408
PSY 409
Learning and Motivation (concentration elective)
or Social Cognition
Psychological Assessment
and Theories in Psychotherapy (concentration elective)
Physiological Psychology
and Sensation and Perception
SOC 305 Contemp Social Problems 3
Term 6 (Spring)
PSY 399 Seminar in Psychology 3
PSY 490 Psychology Practicum I 6
COM 302 Interracial/Intercultural Comm 3
Global/Civic Studies 3
Select one of the following:
Global Perspect Ag/Food/Env
American Civil Rights Movement
American Government
World Politics
Free Elective 3
Year 4
Term 7 (Fall)
PSY 491 Psychology Practicum II 3-6
Select two of the following: Elective Course 6
Term 8 (Spring)
PSY 499 Senior Colloquium 3
PSY 492 Psychology Practicum III (may enroll in up to 6 hours) 3-6
Select two of the following: Elective Course 6
 Total Hours115-121


The U.S. Department of Labor projects significant job growth in psychology.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, greater demand for psychological services in schools, hospitals, mental health centers, and social services agencies should drive employment growth.  The U.S. Department of Labor reports that the demand for clinical and counseling psychologists will continue to grow as people seek counseling in the areas of marriage and family problems, job stress, addiction, trauma, rehabilitation, and other areas.  A greater number of counselors and clinicians will be needed for the treatment of mental disorders and other areas in the health care industry, for interdisciplinary work on teams including doctors, social workers, and other health care professionals.  Psychologists will be needed to provide services to an aging population, helping people deal with the mental and physical changes that happen as they grow older. Through both research and practice, psychologists are helping other special groups, such as veterans suffering from war trauma, other trauma survivors, and individuals with autism. 

Upon graduation, our students help shape the world as researchers, clinicians, and specialists in other areas including law and government, mental health, and teaching.  Through student effort and dedication and faculty mentoring, the B.S. degree in Psychology provides opportunities for professional development and growth, a good foundation for future graduate study, and a sound foundation for many career options. 

Graduates with a 120-hour BS in Psychology from Kentucky State University can utilize their knowledge, skills, and abilities in diverse settings, such as:

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