Academic Catalog

Bachelor of Arts in Music - Music Industry and Production

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Term 1 (Fall)Hours
ENG 101 English Comp I 3
MAT 111 Acceler. Contemp. Mathematics 3
MUS 104 Freshman Orientation in Music 1
MUA 161 Major Applied I/Lab 1-2
MUC 110 Class Piano I 1
BIO 101 Life Science 3
MUS 130 Introduction to Music 3
MUP 381 Marching Band 1
Term 2 (Spring)
ENG 102 English Comp II 3
COM 103 Interpersonal Communication 3
MUS 101 Basic Music Theory 3
MUA 162 Major Applied II/Lab 1-2
MUC 111 Class Piano II 1
MUE 203 Microcomp & Media/Music 3
MUP 355 Jazz Ensemble 1
Year 2
Term 3 (Fall)
MUP 357 Show Choir 1
MUA 261 Major Applied III/Lab 1-2
MUS 112 Music Theory I 3
MUS 113 Aural Skills I 1
MUS 323 African-American Music 3
MUI 101 Survey Music Industry I 3
SOC 203 Principles of Sociology 3
Term 4 (Spring)
PSY 200 General Psychology 3
THE 130 Introduction to Theatre 3
MUA 262 Major Applied IV/Lab 1-2
MUS 114 Music Theory II 3
MUS 115 Aural Skills II 1
MUI 102 Survey Music Industry II 3
MUP 382 Symphonic Band 1
Year 3
Term 5 (Fall)
SPA 101 Elementary Spanish I 3
BUA 120 Business and Society 3
MUA 361 Major Applied V/Lab 1-2
MUI 203 Music Technology Applications 3
MUS 321 Survey of Music History I 3
MUP 384 Pep Band 1
Term 6 (Spring)
MUS 322 Survey of Music History II 3
MUA 362 Major Applied VI/Lab 1-2
MUP 385 Wind Ensemble 1
SPA 102 Elementary Spanish II 3
AAS 323 African-American Music 3
AAS 325 Jazz History and Literature 3
AAS 409 Literature of African-Amer 3
Year 4
Term 7 (Fall)
MUA 461 Major Applied VII/Lab 1-3
MUS 325 Jazz History/Literature 3
MUS 251 Intro to Electronic Music 2
POS 101 American Government 3
SPE 304 Oral Interpretation 3
Term 8 (Spring)
MUA 462 Major AppliedVIII/Lab 4
MUI 499 Senior Project in Music Prod 3
MUI 204 Music Pub/Copyright/Licensing 3
MUI 298 Spec Topics Music Production 3
MUI 398 Special Topics Music Prod 3
 Total Hours120-128