College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)
Consistent with the overall mission of the University, the major goal of the College of Arts and Sciences is to provide students with the requisite academic skills, knowledge, and a sense of competence which will allow them to assume leadership roles in their respective fields of study. The College is made up of five Schools: Criminal Justice and Government Relations, Education, Humanities, Psychology, and Social Work. Academic majors, leading to the Bachelor of Arts or the Bachelor of Science degree, are offered in the following areas: criminal justice, education, music, mass communication and journalism, psychology, and social work. Students interested in becoming certified high school teachers in biology, English, music, or social studies may complete Teacher Education Programs offered collaboratively by the appropriate divisions in the School of Humanities with the School of Education and Human Development. Students in this program should maintain close contact with their Divisional Education advisor as well as the faculty in the School of Education and Human Development.
Students should refer to the appropriate degree program section in the College of Arts and Science as applicable to their particular programs. To earn a degree through the College in four years, students must satisfy both academic program and University course requirements. Summer session coursework and possibly an additional academic year may be required in some cases. Every student is encouraged to work closely with his or her mentor or advisor. However, students are encouraged to complete their degree requirements within eight semesters of study in the college.