Academic Catalog

Veterans & Military Affairs Online

Kentucky State University has a long history of providing high-quality, military-friendly, accredited programs and exceptional delivery of services to veterans, active-duty service members, reserve/guard, military dependents, and their families. At KSU, we strive to be more than just military and veteran-friendly. Our goal is to be Military Ready and committed to helping you succeed. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Veterans and Military Student Affairs (in the Registrar's Office) at 502-597-6340.


VMSA - Mission Statement

Guided by the University's vision and mission, as well as the knowledge that Veterans offer a unique academic and social perspective to the University, the mission of the Office of Veterans & Military Student Affairs at Kentucky State University is to support all current and former members of the United States Armed Forces and their families by providing exceptional programming, delivery of services, and advocacy in attaining their educational goals and reaching their highest potential, both in the classroom and beyond.

Why KSU?

Kentucky State University has a long history of providing high-quality, accredited programs and exceptional delivery of services to veterans, active-duty service members, and military dependents.

KSU is dedicated to providing a community experience that leverages the expertise and resources across the campus in support of service members, veterans, and their family members. The KSU Thorobred Community is committed and ready to work with military students toward student success and graduation.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Here are some of the support services that set KSU apart in helping you achieve your educational goals:

  • No application fee for undergraduate veterans, active-duty service members, or military dependents
  • Maximum credit hours for military experience
  • Priority registration and book vouchers upon request

GI Bill® Education Benefit

Kentucky State University is an Institution of Higher Learning (IHL) approved for training of service members, veterans, and their eligible family members. Students can determine their eligibility for GI Bill® Education benefits by clicking on the ‘For Students’ tab at or by contacting the VA directly at 1-888-442-4551. The Director of Veterans, and Military Student Affairs will assist all service members, veterans, and their family members/dependents with all actions associated with eligibility determination, military-connected questions, and the enrollment certification process.

The Office of Veterans and Military Student Affairs supports all military-connected students including service members, veterans, and their family members, regardless of whether the students are eligible for GI Bill® Education benefits. Those students eligible for VA GI Bill® Education benefits are required to notify the Director, Veterans and Military Student Affairs of any changes to their student status during any given semester for which the student receives GI Bill® Education benefits.

GI Bill® Education Benefits Certification Process

All eligible students who wish to use their GI Bill® Education benefit are required to complete and submit the Military Student Enrollment Reporting Form no later than 30 days after classes begin for the semester. By signing and submitting the Military Student Enrollment Reporting Form, the student gives the School Certifying Official (SCO) on behalf of Kentucky State University permission to report enrollment to the Department of Veterans Affairs, which will result in benefit processing and subsequent disbursement upon VA validation. The Military Student Enrollment Reporting Form must be completed each semester the student wishes to be certified by the SCO. The Director of Veterans and Military Student Affairs will coordinate with the Accounting and Bursar Offices to ensure that GI Bill® Education benefit disbursements are applied to the appropriate student’s account in a timely manner. Students are required to report any changes to his/her enrollment to the Director of Veterans and Military Student Affairs immediately. Failure to report any changes may result in student reimbursement obligations to the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Tuition Assistance (TA) Program

The Office of Veterans and Military Student Affairs will assist and provide guidance to all service members regarding both the Kentucky Tuition Assistance Program and the Federal Tuition Assistance Program. The Director of Veterans and Military Student Affairs will coordinate with ArmyIgnitED personnel as well as the student’s military unit or TA program point of contact to assist service members with applying for and receiving TA benefits. In addition, the Director of Veterans and Military Student Affairs will coordinate with the appropriate University office to ensure that all military funds including TA benefits, are applied to the appropriate student’s account in a timely manner.

Residency Status for Purposes of Tuition

Students eligible to receive Veterans Affairs (VA) GI Bill® Education benefits qualify for the in-state tuition rate pursuant to the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014, which requires postsecondary institutions to offer in-state tuition rates to qualified veterans and their dependents, regardless of state residency status. In addition, Kentucky Law (13 KAR 2:045) states: “A person eligible for benefits under the federal Post 9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008, 38 U.S.C. 33013325, or any other education benefits provided under Title 38 of the United States Code shall be entitled to Kentucky resident status for purposes of tuition charged at state-supported institutions.” (All Kentucky State University students captured under the aforementioned Federal Statute and State Law will be certified by the School Certifying Official (SCO) at the in-state tuition rate). See additional information regarding residency status in Chapter 2 of this Catalog.

Credit for Your Military Service

Army, Navy, National Guard, Marine Corps, Coast Guard (including Reserves)

To receive credit for your military service, service members and veterans must submit an official Joint Service Transcript (JST). Visit, and request your transcript be sent to Kentucky State University electronically. Be advised that transcripts sent electronically may be processed faster than paper transcripts sent via US Mail.

If you choose to mail your transcript to KSU, please send it to the following address:
Kentucky State University
Office of the Registrar
323 Administrative Services Building
400 E. Main Street
Frankfort, KY 40601

Air Force

Air Force veterans and service members should request their Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) transcript to receive military credit. CCAF credit hours will be processed by the KSU Registrar’s Office in the same manner as civilian college transcripts.

Processing and Evaluation

All Joint Service Transcripts are processed as quickly as possible in the order they are received.

As a University Policy, KSU awards maximum credit for your military training and experience.

Class Attendance/Excused Absences – Short-Term Military Obligations

Prompt and regular class attendance is the responsibility of all students. Students should be aware that excessive absenteeism, whether excused or unexcused, may affect their ability to earn a passing grade. If a student is absent from class for a University excused absence, which includes short-term military obligations, instructors are required to allow the student the opportunity to make up missed work in a fair and equitable manner without any reduction in the student’s final grade as a direct result of such action.

This policy does not supersede program accreditation requirements, and as a result, the program’s dean, department chair, and or coordinator will determine the maximum number of absences in accordance with accreditation standards.

University excused absences are grouped into the following categories:

  1. University-Sponsored Activities;
  2. Student/Family Illness/Death;
  3. Military Obligations;
  4. Jury Duty or Subpoena for Court Appearances; and
  5. Major Religious Holidays. The below content addresses Short-term Military Obligations:

Short-term Military Obligations

Short-term military obligations are those that require student absence for a period of up to 30 consecutive days, and they are specific to the branch of service, including but not limited to the following: Active Component (Active-Duty – Title 10), Reserve Component (National Guard/Reserves – Title 32), and/or Military Science obligations incurred due to one's status as a scholarship and or contracted/participating cadet in the Kentucky State University/Wildcat Battalion Army (ROTC) Program or the University of Kentucky Air Force (ROTC) program.

(ROTC) students requesting a university excused absence, under this justification, must initially coordinate their request through their respective ROTC (Army/Air Force) Department. Requests under this category must be forwarded to the appropriate Dean of the student’s College prior to the date of the absence if at all possible. Military Service is an acceptable university excuse, and the proper documentation from the specific branch of service must be verified. Requests under this category are submitted to the Director, Veterans and Military Student Affairs, with final approval by the designated Vice President or designee prior to the date of the absence, if at all possible.

Process to Make-Up Missed Work

Regardless of the nature of the excused absence, the student is responsible for opening a line of communication with their instructors and completing all coursework according to the terms agreed upon between the instructor and the student.

It is the student's responsibility to request an opportunity to complete missed work following an absence, and this request should be made to the instructor no later than the next class session. Once an excuse has been granted for the absence, all missed work must be completed within the time frame agreed upon between the student and the faculty member in order for the student to receive full credit.

Missed activities will be rescheduled, or in the event that rescheduling of an activity is not practical or possible, a fair and equitable alternative way of arriving at the overall grade must be developed by the instructor. If students are allowed to drop their lowest test score in a course, the instructor cannot require the student to use a missed exam as that “drop.”

Students must be afforded the opportunity to make up missed work within a reasonable time period upon their return.

Punitive measures must not be taken against a student who presents military orders and or notification from a Commander or the Commander’s representative.


Students who feel that they have been unjustly penalized by an instructor's attendance policy or by the instructor refusing to accept an excuse may follow the academic grievance procedures.

Military Science Program


Kentucky State University has entered into a partnership agreement with the U.S. Army Cadet Command (7th Brigade) Army Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) program. Students who wish to participate in the Army ROTC program have access to receive ROTC scholarship assistance by way of contractual agreement and commission as a second lieutenant in the United States Army.

Army ROTC provides merit-based scholarships and other financial aid opportunities for college-bound high school students and students already attending KSU. Multi-year ROTC scholarships are available on an equally competitive basis to qualified students.

The Four-Year Scholarship is for high school students planning to attend a four-year college program or for those who have just begun college. Contact your high school academic advisor or campus Military Science department for more information. Students must fulfill an eight-year service commitment with the Army, serving full-time in the Army for four years and four years with the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). Selected Cadets may choose to serve part-time in the Army Reserve or Army National Guard while pursuing a civilian career.

The Three-Year Scholarship is available for students already enrolled at KSU with three academic years remaining. Students must fulfill a four-year service commitment with the Army. Selected Cadets may choose to serve part-time in the Army Reserve or Army National Guard while pursuing a civilian career.

The Two-Year Scholarship is available for those who have two academic years remaining. Students must serve full-time in the Army for four years. Selected Cadets may choose to serve part-time in the Army Reserve or Army National Guard while pursuing a civilian career.

The Military Science Program is open to both men and women and follows a general military science curriculum. Currently, all Army Military Science (AMS) courses are offered at KSU. Contact the University of Kentucky Wildcat Battalion Recruiting Operations Officer at 859-257-6865.

Active-duty Student Checklist – for Admission and Enrollment

  1. Apply to KSU
    Be sure to identify yourself as active-duty on your application; this will waive the application fee for all Undergraduate applicants. If you have already paid the fee, please contact the Office of Veterans and Military Student Affairs at 502-597-6340 and include your KSU student ID number.
  2. Request Official copies of any Transcripts
    Request official copies of transcripts from your high school or any college where you have taken courses. High school transcripts are only required if you have completed less than 24 civilian college hours.
  3. Request your ACT or SAT scores
    If you haven't taken an ACT or SAT, you also have the option to take a placement test. Pending the availability of funds, this service is free for veteran and military students.
    KSU also accepts credit by exam from DANTES and CLEP, which is a great way to earn academic credit for what you know. To learn more about exams accepted by KSU, contact the Office of Veterans and Military Student Affairs.
  4. Request your Joint Service Transcript
    To receive credit for your military service, you must submit a Joint Services Transcript (JST). Visit the JST website, and request your transcript be sent to KSU electronically. Air Force veterans and service members should request their Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) transcript to receive military credit.
  5. Claim your active-duty Status
    Verify your active-duty status with the Office of Veterans and Military Student Affairs
    Important Information for Students
    • Students must provide verification of active-duty status at the beginning of each academic year.
    • Students must verify their active-duty status by the end of the Add/Drop period in their first term, as well as by the end of the Add/Drop period in the first term of each subsequent academic year. Online students registered for both terms must verify their active-duty status prior to the Add/Drop date for the fall term.
  6. Apply for Federal Tuition Assistance
    Each branch of service has its own rules and procedures regarding Tuition Assistance, but service members may be eligible for up to $4,000 in educational benefits per year. These funds are paid directly to the university to be applied toward tuition expenses. If the cost of tuition exceeds the cap for TA, service members may be eligible to use VA education benefits for out-of-pocket costs. explains each service's TA program and provides links to each service's TA websites.
  7. Submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA)
    We highly recommend you fill out your FASFA as soon as possible. Your Federal TA/VA education benefits are completely separate from Financial Aid, so we encourage you to go online now and fill out your FASFA. The FAFSA determines students' eligibility for grants and/or loans.
    Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online
  8. Apply for VA Education Benefits (If Applicable)
    You can apply for VA education benefits at the website.
    If you have questions about your VA education benefits or any other questions, you may contact them at:
    VA Regional Office
    Telephone: (888) 442-4551
  9. Submit your Course Enrollment Form (Only if using VA Education Benefits)
    After you are advised and registered for classes, you must complete the Course Enrollment Form.
    This form allows us to certify you for your VA educational benefits. Please note the following:
    • You must complete a Course Enrollment Form each semester after registering for classes. If you do not complete the Course Enrollment form, then neither you nor the school will receive funding.
    • If you change your major, you must complete a new Change of Program form (VA Form 22-1995) before the semester starts.
    If you add, drop, or change a class after you have submitted your initial Course Enrollment Form, you must submit a new Course Enrollment Form immediately.

Reservist/National Guard Student Checklist for Admission and Enrollment

  1. Apply to KSU
    Be sure to identify yourself as active duty on your application; this will waive the application fee for all Undergraduate applicants. If you have already paid the fee, please contact the Office of Veterans and Military Student Affairs at 502-597-6340 and include your KSU student ID number.
  2. Request Official copies of any Transcripts
    Request official copies of transcripts from your high school or any college where you have taken courses. High school transcripts are only required if you have completed less than 24 civilian college hours.
  3. Request your ACT or SAT scores
    If you haven't taken an ACT or SAT, you also have the option to take a placement test. Pending the availability of funds, this service is free for veteran and military students.

    KSU also accepts credit by exam from DANTES and CLEP, which is a great way to earn academic credit for what you know. To learn more about exams accepted by KSU, contact the Office of Veterans and Military Student Affairs.
  4. Request your Joint Service Transcript
    To receive credit for your military service, you must submit a Joint Services Transcript (JST). Visit the JST website and request that your transcript be sent to KSU electronically. Air Force veterans and service members should request their Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) transcript to receive military credit.
  5. Request Federal or State Tuition Assistance
    Army Reservists/National Guard on Federal active-duty:
    Army Reservists/National Guard requesting State Tuition Assistance (TA):

    Note: Deadlines for requesting State TA are 1 October (Spring) and 1 April (Summer/Fall)
    For Reservists/Guard in other service branches or Air National Guard members, visit’s TA Overview for information in requesting TA.
  6. Submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA)
    We highly recommend you fill out your FASFA as soon as possible. Your Federal TA/VA education benefits are completely separate from Financial Aid, so we encourage you to go online now and fill out your FASFA. The FAFSA determines students' eligibility for grants and/or loans.
    Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online
  7. Apply for VA Education Benefits (If Applicable)
    You can apply for VA education benefits at the website.
    If you have questions about your VA education benefits or any other questions, you may contact them at:
    VA Regional Office
    Telephone: (888) 442-4551
  8. Submit your Course Enrollment Form (Only if using VA Education Benefits)
    After you are advised and registered for classes, you must complete the Course Enrollment Form.
    This form allows us to certify you for your VA educational benefits. Please note the following:
    • You must complete a Course Enrollment Form each semester after registering for classes. If you do not complete the Course Enrollment form, then neither you nor the school will receive funding.
    • If you change your major, you must complete a new Change of Program form (VA Form 22-1995) before the semester starts.
    If you add, drop, or change a class after you have submitted your initial Course Enrollment Form, you must submit a new Course Enrollment Form immediately.

Veteran Student Checklist for Admission and Enrollment

  1. Apply to KSU
    Be sure to identify yourself as a Service Member/Veteran on your application; this will waive the application fee for all Undergraduate applicants.

    If you have already paid the fee, please contact the Office of Veterans and Military Student Affairs at 502-597-6340 and include your full name and KSU student ID number.
  2. Request Official copies of any Transcripts
    Request official copies of transcripts from your high school or any college where you have previously taken courses. (Note: Students with more than 24 prior civilian college credits are not required to submit their high school transcript.)
  3. Request your ACT or SAT scores
    If you haven't taken an ACT or SAT, you may also have the option to take a placement test through coordination with the Office of Veterans and Military Student Affairs. Pending the availability of funds, this service is free for veteran and military students.
  4. Apply for VA Education Benefits
    You can apply for VA education benefits at website.

    If you have questions about your VA education benefits or any other questions, you may contact them at:
    VA Regional Office
    Telephone: (888) 442-4551

    Once received from the VA, submit a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) to the Office of Veterans and Military Student Affairs.
  5. Submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA)
    We highly recommend you fill out your FASFA as soon as possible. Your VA benefits are completely separate from Financial Aid, so we encourage you to go online now and fill out your FASFA. The FAFSA determines students' eligibility for grants and/or loans.
  6. Request for Joint Service Transcript
    To receive credit for your military service, you must submit a Joint Services Transcript (JST). Visit the JST website, and request for your transcript to be sent to KSU electronically. Air Force veterans and service members should request their Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) transcript to receive military credit.

    KSU also accepts credit by exam from DANTES and CLEP, which is a great way to earn academic credit for what you know. To learn more about exams accepted by KSU, contact the Office of Veterans and Military Student Affairs at 502-597-6340.
  7. Submit your Course Enrollment Form
    After you are advised and registered for classes, you must complete the Course Enrollment Form.
    This form is required to certify you for your VA educational benefits. Please note: You must complete a Course Enrollment Form each semester after registering for classes. If you do not complete the Course Enrollment form, then neither you nor the school will receive funding.

    If you add, drop, or change a class after you have submitted your initial Course Enrollment Form, you must submit a new Course Enrollment Form immediately.

Military Dependents (Spouses and Children) Student Checklist for Admission and Enrollment

  1. Apply to KSU
    Be sure to identify yourself as active duty on your application; this will waive the application fee for all Undergraduate applicants.

    If you have already paid the fee, please contact the Office of Veterans and Military Student Affairs at 502-597-6340 and include your KSU student ID number.
  2. Request Official copies of any Transcripts
    Request official copies of transcripts from your high school or any college where you have taken courses. High school transcripts are only required if you have completed less than 24 civilian college hours.
  3. Request your ACT or SAT scores
    If you haven't taken an ACT or SAT, you also have the option to take a placement test. Pending the availability of funds, this service is free for veteran and military students.

    KSU also accepts credit by exam from DANTES and CLEP, which is a great way to earn academic credit for what you know. To learn more about exams accepted by KSU, contact the Office of Veterans and Military Student Affairs.
  4. Request your Joint Service Transcript
    To receive credit for your military service, you must submit a Joint Services Transcript (JST). Visit the JST website and request that your transcript be sent to KSU electronically. Air Force veterans and service members should request their Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) transcript to receive military credit.
  5. Submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA)
    We highly recommend you fill out your FASFA as soon as possible. Your Federal TA/VA education benefits are completely separate from Financial Aid, so we encourage you to go online now and fill out your FASFA. The FAFSA determines students' eligibility for grants and/or loans. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online
  6. Apply for VA Education Benefits (If Applicable)
    You can apply for VA education benefits at the website. If you have questions about your VA education benefits or any other questions, you may contact them at:
    VA Regional Office
    Telephone: (888) 442-4551
  7. Submit your Course Enrollment Form (Only if using VA Education Benefits)
    After you are advised and registered for classes, you must complete the Course Enrollment Form.
    This form allows us to certify you for your VA educational benefits. Please note the following:
    • You must complete a Course Enrollment Form each semester after registering for classes. If you do not complete the Course Enrollment form, then neither you nor the school will receive funding.
    • If you change your major, you must complete a new Change of Program form (VA Form 22-1995) before the semester starts.
    If you add, drop, or change a class after you have submitted your initial Course Enrollment Form, you must submit a new Course Enrollment Form immediately.
  8. Apply for Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs (KDVA) Waiver (If Applicable)
    A waiver of tuition is an education benefit provided by the Commonwealth of Kentucky in recognition of the military service of certain Kentucky veterans. The tuition waiver is provided for children, stepchildren, adopted children, spouses, and unmarried widows and widowers. An approved tuition waiver means a student may attend any two-year, four-year, or vocational-technical schools that are operated and funded by the Kentucky Department of Education. More information regarding the KDVA Tuition Waiver can be found at